Pain Medicine Supplier

Larpose-2 Tablets

Larpose-2 Tablets

Larpose-2 (Lorazepam) is an effective treatment that’s used in order to help people who suffer from serious anxiety problems. The main active ingredient is a substance called Lorazepam. Lorazepam is a drug that belongs to a group of medications called benzodiazepines. These are able to act on the brain as well as the nerves (which would be the central nervous system) in order to create a calming effect on a person. It also works by enhancing specific natural chemicals in the body.

Domestic stock in India, Canada and Australia > 43335 Tablets in each location.

Domestic shipping in India, Canada and Australia (1-2 business days) for $10 (Flat Rate). International shipping (4-6 business days) from India, Canada and Australia for $10 (Flat Rate).